family planning

the concept or a program of limiting the size of families through the spacing or prevention of pregnancies, especially for economic reasons.
(loosely) birth control.
Examples from the web for family planning
  • Many of us have long advocated birth control and family planning.
  • Another explanation might be a rise in family planning.
  • Therefore family planning and considering the future is not an impossible feat.
  • It is much cheaper to provide education and family planning resources than it is to provide food and water.
  • Knowledge of one's own genome is increasing in demand as family planning and alternative options become more prevalent.
  • Political intervention is needed to ban the destruction of forests and provide family planning to the poor.
  • Willingham shares the relevance and importance of understanding family planning from a scientific and political perspective.
  • family planning: contraception, sterilization, and pregnancy termination.
  • The best aid that can be given concerns family planning.
  • Nor is the point that parents everywhere should not have access to contraception and family planning education.
British Dictionary definitions for family planning

family planning

the control of the number of children in a family and of the intervals between them, esp by the use of contraceptives See also birth control
family planning in Medicine

family planning n.
A program to regulate the number and spacing of children in a family through the practice of contraception or other methods of birth control.

family planning in Culture

family planning definition

The use of education and birth control to limit the number of offspring and the population of a country. (See population control and Margaret Sanger.)